Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday Tootsies

How's your week going?

Mine's going okay.  I'm a little tired.

Oh, and this happened:

I took my shoes off under my desk and a little while later looked down to put them back on.  Why, hello mismatched sandals!

I discovered this 30 minutes before the end of the work day.  This, of course, was after I walked downtown for lunch and stopped to chat with a friend.  All while wearing mismatched shoes.  Sweet.

Please excuse my months old pedicure.  I think this incident is actually a cry for help from my toes. 

Can't wait to see how the rest of the week turns out.


  1. Replies
    1. :) thank you, I'm glad!!!

      I did a shoe check this morning and I'm good to go! :)

  2. Why oh why did this have to happen when I was gone?! :)

    1. I don't know!! :( I was almost in tears over this (of course)!!! :)

  3. Hahaha! Funniest thing ever! I didn't even realize your shoes were mismatched at first either. Does this mean u have too many shoes?! Lol!

  4. hahaha, so glad you didn't notice at first!!! my shoes were sitting in a little pile, so maybe it is time to get rid of some? Ryan would think so!
